What kind of bun to get married in?

Like all girls, you’ve certainly imagined your wedding hairdo since you were little. For you, it is simply impossible to get married without a beautiful wedding bun. Now that the big day is approaching, it’s time to choose the style…

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What flowers in the hair to choose for a country wedding?

Regardless of age, all women have always enjoyed putting flowers in their hair. Both fragrant and delicate, these ornaments embellish femininity. It is also possible to use flowers for the wedding hairstyle. But before using and choosing this one-day accessory,…

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Why are you braiding her wedding?

The decoration, the buffet, the guests, everything is finally ready for the big day… Except your hair! You don’t know which hairstyle to wear and above all which style can stand out from your guests. Discover the fashion for braids,…

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