hair transplant

Is Turkey good for hair transplant?

Experiencing hair loss can be detrimental to your mental wellbeing and self-esteem. However, it does not have to be a permanent issue. Treatments like hair transplant surgery can help resolve this issue. Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that removes…

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Which conditioner to use on long hair?

Do you dread every hair wash because your long hair is difficult to untangle and breaks very easily? From now on, conditioner should be part of your hair routine. Having the right conditioner will not only put an end to…

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The low poo trend for curly hair

Taking care of curly hair is not the easiest thing to do. Certain products should be avoided, such as hair products containing corrosive chemicals. These can cause unwanted breakage and other problems such as thinning, split ends and frizz. To…

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